Very few business owners are clear on the potential that lies hidden within their business.
This video showcases some examples where none of the owners believed that increasing their profits by over 50% in less than 5 months was possible.
What's more, none of these businesses had to spend $1 more on advertising. So there was no risk to achieve the results, just an investment of their time.
"My business grew from $1.5 Million to $4 Million and I work 32 hours per week now and it used to be 65.
I'm a lot happier, I have a better lifestyle, have a lot more fun, I really enjoy coming to work and I enjoy the people I work with.
When we first met our net profit margins were up and down, as low as 8%, which was horrific and now at the start of the financial year its running at 25% net profit on a 3 times higher turnover and we have a goal to get to 28% on a $5 Million turnover.
The best money I've ever spent. Invest in yourself, get some freedom, because that's what you're going to get."
Industry: Electrical contracting
"Before the mentoring course the business was really struggling with the net profit margin at 1% and we didn't even know what that was. We were just doing the day to day work but not really making money.
I was really in the trenches, juggling issues, juggling staff, and trying to manage clients and not really running the business. There was a lot of stress and we really needed to do something, and now our net profit margin is running around 16.5%.
Before that time we had expanded our business into America, and had a team in Poland, Sydney and Brisbane but we hadn't thought about all the systems we should have and things were really starting to go down the gurgler.
The best thing about the course was it improved our mindset, helped us to understand people more, and gave us tools and systems to use."
Industry: Software development
"Until the time we met Tim, the business turning over between $18,000 and $30,000 per month with myself struggling with one employee. Now we have 12 employees and our turnover will be in excess of $2,000,000.
In our industry we would be considered to be in the very high end of prices. When we moved premises our philosophy was I wasn't going to work for no money or struggle to pay the bills any more so we charge top dollar and give fantastic service.
Now that I have a full time manager, I don't have to be working in my business. I choose to work in the business. If I'm not working in the business I spend time with the family, I go fishing and I restore motorcycles. I'm planning on my exit strategy, having a passive income from the business, and all because I put a manager on."
Industry: Powder coating & sandblasting
"In the past I've had two business coaches but I was still wanting, there was something missing out of the training I received. The course and training gave me that.
In the Q3 quarter our net profit margin was 1.6% and at the end of Q4 it had jumped to 23% in that quarter, which basically in monetary terms is roughly an extra $120,000 it put into the cash account.
The difference in my personal life has been remarkable. I got so much stress out of my life. My wife sees it and I've freed up so much time. I go home at nights and I'm not concerned about the day to day activities of my business any more."
Milton - M J United Plumbing, Gas & Flowwise Services
"There are hundreds of courses and advisers that will sell you a myriad of promises, Tim Stokes delivers on what he says he will do.
The material that Tim provides is relevant, timeless and will improve your bottom line, increase your cash flow, create a team of employees that are completely on board, make you a better leader and ultimately a better person.
Sound unbelievable, that’s what I thought as well until I experienced it."
"Tim is the best adviser to help small businesses grow that I have come across in my 30 or so years in the accountancy profession.
He has a suite of tools that looks after the practical side for businesses wanting to grow. Too many in this industry are sprookers with little or no substance.
Tim is the real thing with experience and systems to get profits flowing."
Tim Stokes is one of Australia's most experienced small business entrepreneurs, coaches and mentors. He's built six businesses over his 40+ years in business and worked with thousands of businesses in four countries.
He's a full-time researcher into entrepreneurship, extreme business success and setting businesses up so that working can become optional. He has invested over $150,000 in learning from marketing experts, entrepreneurs, business gurus and legends of international business.
With over 20,000 hours of research, development and refinement of his strategies, systems, management tools and methodology, he is respected and recommended by dozens of accounting firms, who see his results in their client's financial reports.
Tim was a pioneer in the business coaching industry being one of the very first, starting in 1997 as a "pilot" franchisee. He became the "Worldwide Business Coach of the Year in 2000" with ActionCoach, the first time they created the award. ActionCoach is the largest business coaching organisation in the world.
Tim has also spoken to thousands of business owners in self-marketed seminars, webinars, workshops, and courses. He has worked one-on-one delivering business mentoring programs in 4 countries, Australia, New Zealand, the USA and Canada. He is highly respected by leading accounting firms with dozens referring hundreds of their clients to his programs.
If you want results that not just improve, but transform your life and business, follow him on LinkedIn or Facebook, or talk to Tim about your business, challenges, goals and dreams.
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